User Story
"On a day when my family has been watching too many screens and I am forced to work from home, I want a robust easy-to-use resource to be able to track where we can hike, bike, walk the dog, and maintain our collective sanity.”
User Needs
• user friendly application to track where they can do a variety of activities
• inviting way to aid in their exploration of trails in their communities

Alex Melton
• Daughter and older sister
• Does not want to hang with siblings
• Really enjoys being outside in nature
• Daughter and older sister
• Does not want to hang with siblings
• Really enjoys being outside in nature

Melissa Melton
• Mother of 3 children
• Get the kids outside to exercise
• Loves being in nature
• Mother of 3 children
• Get the kids outside to exercise
• Loves being in nature
The Client's Goal Visualized

Client Story
"Our organization wants to develop a rich media application for users to access parks and trails as a way to improve the overall well-being of our community and the children within it."
Client Needs
• interoperable and mobile enabled solution
• to encourage parents to bring their kids to the trails and parks within the community
• to promote equity, integrity, excellence

The Solution
An interface that works on every device and allows users to explore the trails in their community in a safe, comfortable and straightforward way. Icons allow for easy identification and form visual connections with users of the application. Color theme evokes a natural and organic feeling to the overall brand.